Philippines: Typhoon Bopha (Pablo) - Scope of Humanitarian Crisis (as at 11 D...
Map shows the scope of the humanitarian crisis. Numbers for affected population, deaths,injuries, missing, Pop in Evacuation Centres, and damage to housing. Source is "NDRRMC... -
Philippines: Typhoon Bopha (Pablo) - Evolution of Crisis in Davao Region: Dat...
This map provides comparative analyses of impact indicators including affected population, deaths, missing people, injured people, and totally damaged houses. It also provides... -
Philippines: Typhoon Bopha (Pablo) - Storm Track (as of 9th Dec 2012) and pre...
Map shows the storm track as of 4am 9th Dec, and predicted storm surge height as of 10am 6th Dec. -
Philippines: Typhoon Bopha (Pablo) - Totally and Partially Damaged Housing in...
Map shows totally and partially damaged housing in Davao region as of 8th Dec. Source is "NDRRMC sitrep, Effects of Typhoon "Pablo" (Bopha) 8th dec 1pm". -
Philippines: Typhoon Bopha (Pablo) - Affected Population of Region XI (Davao)...
Map shows the number of fatalities and affected population in evacuation centres. -
Philippines: Typhoon Bopha (Pablo) - Affected Population (as at 6 Dec 12, 1:0...
Map shows the number of fatalities and affected population in evacuation centres. -
Philippines: Typhoon Bopha (Pablo) - Predicted and Actual Typhoon Track (As a...
Map shows predicted and actual tracks of typhoon Pablo. Rainfall during passage of Mindanao approx 200mm in 12 hrs -
Philippines: Typhoon Bopha (Pablo) - Affected Population as of 5th Dec 2012
Map shows the affected population, storm track and estimated storm surge height as of midday 5th Dec. -
Philippines: Typhoon Bopha (Pablo) - Storm Track and Storm Surge Height as of...
Map shows the storm track and predicted storm surge height as of midday 5th Dec.