Number of persons with disabilities per Commune
Data and Resources
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Source | |
Version | 3 |
Last Updated | 8 September 2021, 16:26 (UTC+00:00) |
Created | 8 September 2021, 16:26 (UTC+00:00) |
access | Public |
countries | Haiti |
createdate | 2021-09-08 04:45:52 |
createtime | 16:45 |
datasource | Data Sources:UN OCHA - Admin boundariesOpenStreetMap - SettlementsFederation Haitienne Des Associations & Institutions des Personnes Handicapees (FHAIPH) - Disability data |
datum | WGS 1984 |
glideno | EQ-2021-000116-HTI |
jpgfilename | MA032-v03-pers_disabilities_charts-300dpi.jpeg |
jpgfilesize | 1442141 |
jpgresolutiondpi | 300 |
kmlresolutiondpi | 50 |
language | English |
language-iso2 | en |
location | Haiti |
mapNumber | MA032 |
mapfilename | MA032-v03-pers_disabilities_charts |
papersize | A3 |
pdffilename | MA032-v03-pers_disabilities_charts-300dpi.pdf |
pdffilesize | 816346 |
pdfresolutiondpi | 300 |
product-type | mapsheet |
qclevel | Local |
ref | MA032-v03-pers_disabilities_charts |
scale | 1: 425,000 |
sourceorg | MapAction |
summary | Map shows the total number of persons with disabilities per Commune and, where available, disaggregated by age and gender. |
xmax | -72.97 |
xmin | -74.5 |
ymax | 18.76 |
ymin | 17.96 |